Pet Cats. |
Complete Cat Training. Stop Bad Cat Behavior Some people keep cats for casual companionship as pets. Others go to great lengths to pamper their cats, sometimes treating them as if they were children. Cats are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, in a hobby known as the cat fancy. When a cat bonds with its human guardian, the cat may, at times, display behaviors similar to that of a human. Such behavior may include a trip to the litter box before bedtime or snuggling up close to its companion in bed or on the sofa. Other such behavior includes mimicking sounds of the owner or using certain sounds the cat picks up from the human; sounds representing specific needs of the cat, which the owner would recognize, such as a specific tone of meow along with eye contact that may represent "I'm hungry." The cat may also be capable of learning to communicate with the human using non-spoken language or body language such as rubbing for affection, facial expressions and making eye contact with the owner if something needs to be addressed. Because of their small size, domesticated house cats pose almost no danger to humans. The main hazard is the possibility of infection from a cat bite or scratch. Cats can also potentially inflict severe scratches. |
Cat Products & Cat Books |
Cat Breeds |
American Bobtail American Curl American Shorthaired American Wirehair Australian Antipodean Australian Mist Australian Tiffanie Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay Brazilian Shorthair British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla Chartreux Chausie Chinchilla |
Rex Cymric Devon Rex Egyptian Mau Exotic Foreign White Havana Brown Himalayan Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat LaPerm Longhaired Burmilla Maine Coon Manx Munchkin Nebelung Norwegian Forest |
Oriental Persian Ragdoll Russian Blue Savannah Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Siamese Siberian Singapura Sokoke Somali Sphynx Tonkinese Toyger Turkish Angora Turkish Van |